Hi friends,
I got a cheque from google for the ads shown in my blog..($102.06 to be precise) this is my first cheque from google.. I would like to know if any other blogger friend has received any payment so far?
when i started some blogs in 2009, there was an option 'monetize'. i never really thought that i would receive any revenue out of the ads that appear in my blog.. but i wanted to experiment.. what is wrong in allowing some harmless ads if it promises some money? but at the rate of pageviews and clicks on the ads, which was dismal 3-4 years back, i never thought it would really translate into some money..
I have visited many blogs and am a regular reader of some blogs like idlivadai, dondu, arvinds dad etc.. but none of them carried any ads.. i even thought that there is an unwritten code of not carrying any ad in your blog by the bloggers.. but still i wanted to be persistent..
Google has this poicy of releasing the payment only if the revenue crosses $100.00. it has taken nearly 4 years to reach that amount..
Of course, it is nothing when compared to the manhours that was spent on these blogs.. just out of interest i created and maintained these blogs and expected nothing in return except some creative satisfaction.
I started using the net in sep 2008 for other than email purposes and was actively participating in many debates and wrote extensively whenever i got a chance... slowly, i lost interest and came to a conclusion that whatever is to be said or written has been already said and written and in a better way by many others.
So, it just became an hobby to collect good writings and that is continuing..
Out of 10-12 blogs only Ragas in film music, http://ragasinfilmmusic.blogspot.in/ has reached many (nearly 5 lakhs) and the revenue is mainly due to this blog. other blogs can be seen @ the right side of this blog http://narayananswaminathan.blogspot.in/
At this moment I assure all of you, that i will not start any new blog and test your patience any more.. :) the experiment is over and yes, google pays...